Last Update vor 3 Jahren

•Participate on a regular basis in your Caddex franchise operation by spending at least sixty (60) hours per week in your centre. If you own two or more Caddex centre, you must have at least one manager employed full time at the centre who successfully has knowledge/skills marketing skills.

• Keep Caddex franchising, informed of the names and contact information of all management personnel.

• Ensure that all employees are trained in Caddex operations and familiar with the Caddex concept and policies applicable to performance of their duties.

• Carry and maintain adequate inventory levels (Books and courseware) to serve the market.

• Maintain good customer relations.

• Franchisee partner should allow authorized representative from Head Office to audit the centre for the purpose of checking the quality of training being delivered, inspecting and verifying all the documents and records and to assist you and your employees.

Devote all square footage, display areas and windows of the centre to the operation Caddex franchise.

Adhere to high standards of professionalism and ethics. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Keep your Caddexcentre safe, clean, neat, orderly, and in good repair. Follow the required hours of operations.

Maintain a competent, conscientious and qualified staff.

• Use only Caddex approved books and other courseware materials, centre layout, share the marketing plans, promotional scheme, and other activities.

• Conduct all business and operate your Caddexfranchise in a manner that will not damage the goodwill associated with Caddex and/or Caddexfranchising,trademark/logo.

• Maintain good credit.

• Maintain financial stability.

• Maintain and foster good relationships with customers as well as head office team.

• Maintain a good community reputation and standing.

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